Principal’s Desk

Dear Members of the Ansar School Community, As we reflect on our journey since the establishment of Ansar School in 1986, it fills us with immense pride to witness the values of humanity deeply rooted in our educational ethos. Over the past 38 years, our dedicated alumni have been instrumental in championing educational advancements, serving as beacons of excellence in their respective fields. At Ansar School, our commitment to fostering a value-based learning environment remains unwavering. Through diverse perspectives and innovative approaches, we continue to nurture the intellectual, moral, and emotional development of our students. In our pursuit of academic and non-academic excellence, we are implementing specialized training programs aimed at maximizing student potential across all domains. Our vibrant array of clubs serves as platforms for fostering positive engagement and cultivating awareness in various spheres. Above all, Ansar School prides itself on fostering a culture of discipline and academic rigour, essential foundations for holistic education. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to providing unwavering support to nurture the inherent talents of each child, ensuring their growth and success. As we embark on the journey ahead, let us reaffirm our collective commitment to upholding the values of Ansar School, enriching lives, and shaping futures.


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